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Matrix Member List

This is the complete list of members for Matrix, including all inherited members.
AddColumns(const int SourceCol, const int DestCol, const double factor=1)Matrix
AddRows(const int SourceRow, const int DestRow, const double factor=1)Matrix
ClearColumn(const int Col)Matrix
ClearRow(const int Row)Matrix
CMAC(const Matrix &obj)Matrix
CMAR(const Matrix &obj)Matrix
ConcatenateColumn(const double *ColumnData)Matrix
ConcatenateRow(const double *RowData)Matrix
Determinant() const Matrix
Display() const Matrix
DivideColumn(const int Col, const double _d)Matrix
DivideRow(const int Row, const double _d)Matrix
Fill(const double _d)Matrix
FillColumn(const int Col, const double _d)Matrix
FillRow(const int Row, const double _d)Matrix
GetCMAC(const Matrix &obj) const Matrix
GetCMAR(const Matrix &obj) const Matrix
GetColumnMax(const int Col) const Matrix
GetColumnMin(const int Col) const Matrix
GetColumnRange(const int Col) const Matrix
GetColumns() const Matrix
GetCovariant() const Matrix
GetDataOneDimen() const Matrix
GetDataTwoDimen() const Matrix
GetInverse() const Matrix
GetMax() const Matrix
GetMin() const Matrix
GetMinor(const int RowSpot, const int ColSpot) const Matrix
GetMinorNew(const int RowSpot, const int ColSpot) const Matrix
GetNormalized(const double Min, const double Max) const Matrix
GetNumericRange(double &Min, double &Max) const Matrix
GetNumericRangeOfColumn(double &Min, double &Max, const int Col) const Matrix
GetNumericRangeOfRow(double &Min, double &Max, const int Row) const Matrix
GetRange() const Matrix
GetREF() const Matrix
GetRowMax(const int Row) const Matrix
GetRowMin(const int Row) const Matrix
GetRowRange(const int Row) const Matrix
GetRows() const Matrix
GetRREF() const Matrix
GetSubMatrix(const int RowSpot, const int ColSpot, const int RowLen, const int ColLen) const Matrix
GetTransposed() const Matrix
IdentityMatrix(int Diagonal)Matrix [static]
Input(istream &istr=cin)Matrix
IsEmpty() const Matrix
IsIdentity() const Matrix
LeftRemoveIdentity()Matrix [private]
m_nColsMatrix [private]
m_nRowsMatrix [private]
m_pDataMatrix [private]
Matrix(double InitVal, int Rows, int Cols)Matrix
Matrix(double *Data, int Rows, int Cols)Matrix
Matrix(double **Data, int Rows, int Cols)Matrix
Matrix(const Matrix &obj)Matrix
MultiplyColumn(const int Col, const double _d)Matrix
MultiplyRow(const int Row, const double _d)Matrix
Normalize(const double Min, const double Max)Matrix
operator *(const Matrix &obj) const Matrix
operator *(const double _d) const Matrix
operator *(const int _i) const Matrix
operator *=(const Matrix &obj)Matrix
operator *=(const double _d)Matrix
operator *=(const int _i)Matrix
operator!=(const Matrix &obj) const Matrix
operator()(const int _i, const int _j) const Matrix
operator+(const Matrix &obj) const Matrix
operator+=(const Matrix &obj)Matrix
operator-(const Matrix &obj) const Matrix
operator-=(const Matrix &obj)Matrix
operator/(const Matrix &obj) const Matrix
operator/(const double _d) const Matrix
operator/(const int _i) const Matrix
operator/=(const Matrix &obj)Matrix
operator/=(const double _d)Matrix
operator/=(const int _i)Matrix
operator=(const Matrix &obj)Matrix
operator==(const Matrix &obj) const Matrix
operator[](const int _i) const Matrix
operator~() const Matrix
Output(ostream &ostr=cout) const Matrix
Read(ifstream &istr)Matrix
RemoveColumn(const int Column)Matrix
RemoveRow(const int Row)Matrix
RightAppendIdentity()Matrix [private]
SetSubMatrix(const int RowSpot, const int ColSpot, const int RowLen, const int ColLen)Matrix
SetValue(int Row, int Col, double _d)Matrix
SpliceInColumn(const double *ColumnData, const int ColumnSpot)Matrix
SpliceInRow(const double *RowData, const int RowSpot)Matrix
SumAll() const Matrix
SumAllSquared() const Matrix
SumColumn(const int Col) const Matrix
SumColumnSquared(const int Col) const Matrix
SumRow(const int Row) const Matrix
SumRowSquared(const int Row) const Matrix
SwapCols(const int Col1, const int Col2)Matrix
SwapRows(const int Row1, const int Row2)Matrix
Write(ofstream &ostr) const Matrix

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Generated on Thu Dec 22 23:12:39 2005 for terreneuve by doxygen 1.3.6