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Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 #include ".\importData.h"
00003 importData::importData(void)
00004 {
00005 }
00007 importData::importData(char *argv)
00008 {
00009         FileReader::setdatadir (argv); // memorize the local path if the user wants the predefined data
00010         runInterface();
00011 }
00013 void importData::importYieldCurve(string path){
00014         string yieldCurveData = _datadir + "/"+path;
00016         valarray<yieldPoint> *rates = 
00017                 FileReader::buildYieldPointArray(yieldCurveData);
00019         _yc =yieldCurve(*rates,"test yc");
00020         cout<<"- Yield curve imported"<<endl;
00021 }
00023 void importData::importVolSurface(string path,Real spot)
00024 {
00025         Date t0=Date();
00026         t0.setDateToToday ();
00027         string volSurfaceData=_datadir+"/"+path;
00028         volsurfaceparams *params =
00029                 FileReader::buildVolSurfaceParams(volSurfaceData);
00031         _vs= volsurface(spot, t0, _yc, *params);
00032         _vs.setvolsurface();
00033         cout<<"- Volatility surface imported"<<endl;
00034 }
00036 void importData::importCreditCurve(string path){
00037         string creditSpreadsData= _datadir+"/"+path;
00038         valarray<CreditSpreadPoint> *creditSpreadArray =
00039                 FileReader::buildCreditSpreadPointArray(creditSpreadsData);
00040         _cc=creditCurve(_yc,*creditSpreadArray,"test cc");
00041         cout<<"- Credit spreads imported"<<endl;
00042 }
00045 bool importData::runInterface(){
00046         cout<<"\n**************************************"<<endl;
00047         cout<<"********* Data import Module *********"<<endl;
00048         cout<<"**************************************\n"<<endl;
00049         cout<<"As it is a financial products module, you first need to import market data."<<endl;
00050         cout<<"Would you like to import your own data or use the stale one provided ? "<<endl;
00051         cout<<"[The yield points come from the US swap market from Oct 5th, 2005]"<<endl;
00052         cout<<"[The options are on -- (spot 2994) from July 16th, 2005]"<<endl;
00053         cout<<"[The credit spreads are on -- from -- ]"<<endl;
00054         cout<<"Type 1 to input your data files location, 2 to see the files format,\n Else another key to get default inputs:"<<endl;
00055         string userWantsToImport;
00056         cin>>userWantsToImport;
00057         Natural importNAt=atoi(userWantsToImport.c_str());
00058         if(importNAt==2)
00059                 importNAt=displayFileFormatsMenu();
00060         cout<<((importNAt==1) ? "\nYou will now choose your data:" : "\nThe program will get its own data:" )<<endl;
00061         if(importNAt!=1){
00062                 _datadir=FileReader::getdatadirasstring();
00063                 importYieldCurve();
00064                 importVolSurface();
00065                 importCreditCurve();
00066                 cout<<"--> Default data imported\n"<<endl;
00067                 setMarketData();
00068                 return true;
00069         }
00070         else{
00071                 return runUserDefinedInterface();
00072         }
00073 }
00074 void importData::setMarketData(){
00075         _marketData.yieldcurve=_yc;
00076         _marketData.vols=_vs;
00077         _marketData.creditcurve=_cc;
00078 }
00080 bool importData::runUserDefinedInterface(){
00081         bool failure=true;
00082         bool input;
00083         bool yc,vs,cs;
00084         string dataDir;
00085         cout<<"We need a spot for the call/put prices to calibrate the volatility surface, please input one"<<endl;
00086         Real spot;
00087         cin>>spot;
00089         while (failure){
00090                 cout<<"\nNOTE:\n- Your own data should be in the SAME directory "<<endl;
00091                 cout<<"- The yield curve name shoud be "<<YCNAME<<endl;
00092                 cout<<"- The volatility suface name shoud be "<<VSNAME<<endl;
00093                 cout<<"- The credit spreads name shoud be "<<CSNAME<<endl;
00094                 cout<<"Please input the path where your data is located, ALL 3 files"<<endl;
00095                 cin>>dataDir;
00096                 cout<<"\n"<<endl;
00097                 yc=FileReader::fileexists(dataDir+"/"+YCNAME);
00098                 vs=FileReader::fileexists(dataDir+"/"+VSNAME);
00099                 cs=FileReader::fileexists(dataDir+"/"+CSNAME);
00100                 failure=!(yc&&vs&&cs); //if all are found, then failure will be false
00101                 if(failure){
00102                         if(!yc)
00103                                 cout<<"- "<<YCNAME<<" not found"<<endl;
00104                         if(!vs)
00105                                 cout<<"- "<<VSNAME<<" not found"<<endl;
00106                         if(!cs)
00107                                 cout<<"- "<<CSNAME<<" not found"<<endl;
00108                         cout<<"Some data are not located where you speficied - do you want to re-input ?\nType 1 if yes, else another key "<<endl;
00109                         cin>>input;
00110                         if(!input){
00111                                 cout<<"Default import launched:"<<endl;
00112                                 _datadir=FileReader::getdatadirasstring();
00113                                 importYieldCurve();
00114                                 importVolSurface();
00115                                 importCreditCurve();
00116                                 cout<<"--> Default data imported\n"<<endl;
00117                                 setMarketData();
00118                                 return true;
00119                         }
00120                 }
00121         }
00122         _datadir=dataDir;
00123         importYieldCurve(YCNAME);
00124         importVolSurface(VSNAME,spot);
00125         importCreditCurve(CSNAME);
00126         cout<<"--> Personal data imported\n"<<endl;
00127         setMarketData();
00128         return true;
00129 }
00132 Natural importData::displayFileFormatsMenu(){
00133         cout<<"\nHELP ON FILE FORMATS\n"<<endl;
00134         cout<<"YIELD CURVE\nA csv file as follows, with on each line a rate,a maturity in years,and a rate type (Cash or Swap)."<<endl;
00135         cout<<"For example a possible first line could be:\n"<<endl;
00136         cout<<"0.041,0.25,Cash     <-- Meaning the Cash rate of maturity 3 months is 4.1 percent\n\n"<<endl;
00138         cout<<"VOLATILITIES\nAs csv file as follows:"<<endl;
00139         cout<<"- The first 2 lines specify the number of maturities quoted and the number of strikes at these:\n"<<endl;
00140         cout<<"maturities            ,    1\nstrikes               ,    2\n"<<endl;
00141         cout<<"- Then a matrix of which the first column has the maturities in DD-MM-YYYY, "<<endl;
00142         cout<<"and then alternatively prices at the given strike and the option type (c/p). For example:\n"<<endl;
00143         cout<<"maturities / strikes  , 2395.95  , type, 2545.69  , type"<<endl;
00144         cout<<"17-3-2006             , 693.1431 ,  c  , 561.4132 ,  c\n"<<endl;
00145         cout<<"<-- Meaning that for maturity 17-3-2006, the 2395.95 call is quoted 693.1431, and the 2545.69 is 561.4132\n\n"<<endl;
00147         cout<<"CREDIT SPREADS\nA csv file as follows, with on each line a spread,a maturity in years,and a spread type (Abs or Rel)."<<endl;
00148         cout<<"For example a possible first line could be:\n"<<endl;
00149         cout<<"0.0014,2,Rel     <-- Meaning the realtive credit spread rate of maturity 2 years is 14 bps\n\n"<<endl;
00151         cout<<"Now that you know, would you like to import your own data or use the stale one provided ? "<<endl;
00152         cout<<"Type 1 to input your data files location, else another key to get the default inputs:"<<endl;
00153         Natural userWantsToImport;
00154         cin>>userWantsToImport;
00155         return userWantsToImport;
00156 }

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Generated on Thu Dec 22 23:12:36 2005 for terreneuve by doxygen 1.3.6